Madam Jane Predicts: Weaponized weather modification is more than just a conspiracy theory
I always look forward to having Madam Jane stop by for tea -- but hadn't heard from her recently. "Where have you been all this time? What have you been up to?" I asked her.
"Transylvania." Yeah right. "No, seriously. I actually was there. It's located in Romania now but Hungary still wants it back." Makes sense. Seems like every country in Europe has been part of every other country in Europe at some point in time and now all those countries all want their missing parts back these days -- but that's been going on since Charlemagne and Attila the Hun.
"And what else is gonna happen next?" I asked. "What do you see in your crystal ball now?"
"Weaponized weather modification." That old chestnut? "America's got it -- and America knows how to use it too." I laughed. Madam Jane didn't.
"Remember back when all those forest fires happened in Russia? Those three years of drought in Syria right before America and friends tried to oust President Assad? That horrible drought in California just before Big Business managed to legally seize so much Central Valley farmland -- followed by the San Francisco mega-storm of '23? Remember the Malibu fires, Katrina, the Napa fire, the Paradise fire, the Canada fires? The Lahaina fire. Making the world safe for neo-colonial 'developers' everywhere. Making America safe for BlackRock!"
Exactly what kind of tea have you been drinking, Madam Jane?
"Then there's that recent hurricane in Los Angeles. Los Angeles has never had hurricanes before. What's with that?"
You may have a point, M.J.
"But here's my proof positive. Burning man!" Say what? "You gots tens of thousands of millennials, techies, artists, musicians, counter-culture types, narcissistic hipster wannabes and even possibly some free-thinking anti-vaxxers all hanging out together out in some God-forsaken Nevada desert -- and then suddenly they get hit by dangerous and unnatural weather changes? I rest my case."
Well, I do gotta admit that they did call it "Black Rock City."
PS: It makes sense that weather modification might have become America's weapon of choice these days. Can't drop atomic bombs any more without getting a lot of people's knickers in a twist -- before they dissolve in a blinding flash, that is. Ground warfare has become a meat-grinder that Americans will no longer put up with. Aircraft carriers have become scary-obsolete.
Sure, America can still defeat tiny little countries like Haiti and Granada -- but can it defeat BRICS? Have you even looked at a map of the world lately? The American land mass looks positively puny compared to the land masses of Russia and China combined -- plus Russia has hyper-sonic missiles and we don't. Aircraft carriers and F-16s don't stand a chance. Under these circumstances, perhaps weaponized weather modification is starting to be kinda sexy.
PPS: My editor, Bob Patterson, just pointed out that China may also have weather modification weapons too. How cool is that! It would be like some plot from a Marvel feature! Thor the hammer-armed wielder of Lightning and Thunder vs. Malekith and Surtur, wielding the dread Casket of Ancient Winters!