Ethiopia, Eritrea & Yemen: Fast times at the Horn of Africa
Let's imagine that we are all back in high school, stuck in history class, studying the
American Revolution. Our British overlords had all the advantages --
weaponry, sea power, a highly-trained army and mountains of gold coins.
That's what we learned, right?
In 1776, however, American colonists miraculously managed to kick King
George III in the bootie. "The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are
coming!" And then, thanks to our heroic George Washington, the Redcoats
were gone. Justice triumphed, the bullies were defeated and Good Guys won the day!
Nothing like this ever happens on the Horn of Africa, however. Good
guys always seem to finish last there. Yemenis fight valiantly against
their Saudi overlords with no luck. Eritreans struggle to free
themselves from European and American neo-colonial domination. How's that going for you, guys? And we all know what happened to Somalia, Sudan and Libya -- although Ethiopia did finally manage to throw out Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the smiling face of a deeply corrupt dictatorship (except now he's become the smiling face of the corrupt WHO instead).
In Ethiopia, Eritrea and Yemen, their brave home-grown George
Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons get killed off one by one -- and yet
these poorly-armed and ragged victims of colonial oppression still fight
on. Years go by. These brave Revolutionary soldiers still struggle on
and on -- and yet even now the entire Horn of Africa still resembles
Valley Forge.
Here and
now? America, the UAE, Israel, the Saudis and Europe are all still
trying their hardest to out-do King George III as they struggle to suck
up Ethiopia, Eritrea and Yemen's farmlands, labor supply, fishing
grounds, water rights and oil.
In high school, we were all taught that America's Revolutionary
soldiers were brave and wonderful. In American high schools today,
however, we hear crickets about the Horn of Africa's Revolutionary
struggles -- or if we do, then all we are taught is that these gallant,
brave and heroic freedom fighters on the Horn of Africa are merely
hostile tribesmen, barbarians, terrorists or Marxists. Just like George
Washington was.
Remember back in 1776, back when America actually fought against colonialism -- instead of becoming the world's most egregiously brutal colonial power? Apparently nobody does.
We Americans here are also being colonized. You think not? Homeless
camps, poverty, shite wages? In the Land of the Free? Yeah, duh. Much
of America looks like a colonized third-world country already.
But wait. There's more.
Walmart just lowered its workers' hourly wages. And
am I wrong in assuming that dollar bills are basically checks written
the Federal Re$erve? And that if these checks turn out to be forged,
fraudulent or otherwise
not cashable, then they become worthless and can bounce at any time. "There must be enough money
in a payer's account to cover the amount of a check," says your bank --
but can the Federal Re$erve actually do that? Too bad for us if it
can't. The Federal Re$erve is basically broke -- and passing bad
checks. These fraudulent forgers belong in jail.
Our mattresses are now safer than banks? Thanks a lot, Federal Re$erve.
Remember back when America was a nation of farmers? Back in 1776? Now
most of our food comes from gigantic and faceless agri-corporations --
trying to feed us GMOS, weed killers and bugs.
Where is America's revolutionary spirit now? Damned if I know.
My ultimate goal these days is to win the lottery and then go see the
Horn of Africa for myself -- while I still can. Somalia, Yemen,
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and Libya here I come! If only SuperLotto will
help me out....
Here is an informative podcast on factual stuff regarding the Horn of Africa:
And another podcast on Yemen:
America has lost its manufacturing base but still maintains dreams of empire: The New Atlas LIVE: The Duran on NATO's Industrial-Scale Problems in Ukraine
Homelessness, low wages, we're being screwed:
Cognitive dissidence, anyone? "There's a fire in my heart tonight..."
other fires happened on September 11, 2001 too -- fires that are
totally suspect and have been debunked by over 3000 architects and
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books:
And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities: Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Down: