World Peace vs Frozen Peas: How pain can really focus one's priories
I just read an article in BuzzFlash telling me that every single person in America who hasn't received The Shot should immediately be put on house arrest and forced to wear ankle monitors.
Wow! "If only Hitler and Stalin had thought of using ankle monitors
instead of gulags and concentration camps," would have been my
instant response a month ago. But now? Big yawn. I gots other, more
important things to worry about besides democracy going to Hell in a
Funny how pain can focus one's mind.
Three weeks ago my ribs got injured in a freak accident and I've been
in agony ever since. Suddenly the specter of all this COV$D lunacy
taking hold of Americans like they were lemmings? I just don't care any
more. Let them jump over their cliffs without me. I'm more interested
in applying frozen peas to my chest and where I put that extra bottle of
Tylenol (and how I can unscrew its child-proof cap without injuring yet
another rib).
But I did manage to pump out a few more memes on the subject of
VAR$ANTS before I totally collapsed -- and also to finish writing an
actual Regency romance novel, the ultimate guilty pleasure.
Here's a very good example of how American propaganda works against
Syria -- using the same techniques that America now uses against you and me
in order to make Big Pharma look good:

Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books.