I finally broke down and took the coronavirus test the other day because it was part of a job requirement. "Negative." Oh. Okay.
"Why are you so surprised?" asked the clinician who administered my
test. Long story -- but these days most of us have nothing but time on our hands so I
jumped right into the tale.

"Because every since this [unconstitutional, unscientific and
dangerous] lock-down began, I've traipsed all over San Diego, Tijuana,
New York City, southern Missouri, Las Vegas, Dallas, Minneapolis,
Milwaukee, northern Arkansas, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Charlotte
North Carolina. I've been stuffed into overcrowded airplanes, attended
multiple events with no face masks involved and even visited Bellevue
Hospital, the epicenter of America's entire COVID epidemic.
I had fun staying in haunted hotels in San Francisco, Milwaukee,
Eureka Springs, Branson, Charlotte and Minneapolis -- so if anyone
should have come down with COVID, it would be me." But no. The test
still came out negative.
However. All those glory days of coast-to-coast travel are over -- and
not only because I just tripped on the sidewalk and broke my left arm.
And not only because I can't afford to travel any more. It's mainly because I'm too
worried about what will happen next -- feeling too depressed and helpless,
wanting only to hide under the bed. Only the future haunts me now.
One night while I was staying at one of those historically-haunted old
hotels (was it at the Biltmore or perhaps the Dunhill or the Astor?), a
rather spooky ghost in a long black robe suddenly stood at the end of my
bed and told me, "They take and they don't give back." Who? What?
Who takes what? "America's leaders," answered the ghost.
That makes perfect sense. Just look at America now. We're facing
another Great Depression and scared out of our wits by a disease with a
survival rate of 99.6% that only threatens the dangerously unhealthy.
Then there's all those phony "wars" since 9-11. Blood on our hands that we can never wash off.
And now some jerk with more money than he knows what to do with now
wants us to inject ourselves with god-knows-what. "That is total
craziness, Bill." Test it on members of Congress first please. And on

But wait.
It gets worse. On one hand, our current president appears to be
fomenting Bugaloo-Boy race-riots and cozy Q campfires in order to cover
up his cheesy "America First" policy of taking from the poor and giving
to the rich -- mainly himself. And on the other hand his electoral
opponent is a wannabe Globalist trying to impress the Atlantic Council
and Davos with how quickly he can put "America Last" -- at our expense.
And meanwhile the entire West Coast is now on fire due to climate crisis among other things. If only we hadn't allowed Bush
to steal the 2000 election and then stood by while the Proud bugaloo Boys did their thing, we wouldn't be facing this Inconvenient
And don't
even get me started on the 2020 election as both parties gear up
to protest them -- no matter who wins or who
commits the most election fraud.
But I did have a good time at the Milwaukee Democratic Convention --
and an even better time at the Charlotte Republican Convention (probably
because all the delegates from both parties were home watching Zoom).
These wonderful "on the road" cross-country trips were my last hurrah to
the America that our leaders have worked so very hard to systematically
loot and destroy.
And we have let them.

Isn't it time that we all finally shout "Enough!" -- and then start
to stage economic boycotts, turn off our televisions and other hypnotic
devices that chain us to a manufactured un-reality, work together
locally from the Left to the Right and just simply refuse to go along with this horrid Grand Theft
by leaders who care nothing about us.
"The virus infection has passed through the bulk of the population as a
result of wholly natural processes and evidence indicates that in the UK
and other heavily infected European countries the spread of the virus
has been all but halted by a substantial reduction in the susceptible