Christmas Day in America: To be old, hungry and Black....
Christmas Day was a truly grim eye-opener for me this year. "How many
starving, homeless and desperate people existed in Jerusalem back when Jesus was
alive?" I asked myself. "And were there as many lonely desperate
outcasts to be found in Bethlehem 2019 years ago such as the ones I had just seen standing in line and
patiently waiting for food in front of Glide Memorial Church in San
Francisco on this current December 25th?"
It's two millennia later. Here in America. The land of the free and the home of
the brave. 2019 years after Herod. After 2000 years of so-called hope
and progress? And yet there they all were on Christmas Day 2019,
hundreds of them, stretching far down the block and around the corner,
cold and hungry and homeless and desperate. And most of them were old
and Black, having been systematically ground down to the nub by
America's racism -- from the day they were born in their mangers.
I was so very shocked to my core to see so many hungry desperate people
all in one place. On Christmas Day. In a land claiming to be
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