The most deadly terrorist in America today? Surprise, it's sugar!
Recently, GOP candidates used up over three hours of prime-time TV
arguing about how to protect Americans from
terrorism. "Blow everybody up east of Atlantic City!" seemed to be the
general consensus that the Repubs came up with. However, during that
entire program, not one of the candidates even mentioned the fact that
millions of innocent Americans have already been savagely murdered in
their beds by a vicious terrorist set lose in the very heart of our
homeland -- and that would be sugar!
Even as we speak, thousands of helpless and unprotected Americans are
being mercilessly picked off one by one by plain old common everyday
sugar and its substitutes -- and yet no one is holding any TV debates
about that.
In the last year alone, 75,578 Americans have been bumped off by
sugar-induced diabetes -- while in the past few decades only
approximately 182 Americans have been killed by actual human terrorists
with weapons (including Oklahoma City and San Bernardino).
"But Jane," you might ask, "what about 9-11?" Nah. 19 Saudis with
box-cutters and seven dancing Israeli "art students" in Jersey don't
count as terrorists -- because, as everyone in America has learned the
hard way, if Saudi Arabia and Israel are involved, nobody is allowed to
call it terrorism. But I digress.
And sugar is far, far more likely to kill you than Saudis with
box-cutters or Israelis dancing the Hora to celebrate the Twin Towers
getting blown up.
Apparently sugar does all the things that are bad for us that fats have
always been accused of -- such as clogging our arteries and making us "fluffy". Fats have been unjustly taking the rap for sugar's current heartless and indiscriminate reign of terror. Humph.
PS: Have a happy holiday, everyone -- and please watch out for all
those sugar plum terrorists wielding cake-cutters! And make it your New
Year's resolution to give up sugar and sugar substitutes before it's
too late.