The 5G story: "Only murders by the buildings..."
I own an EMF meter. It flashes red and beeps loudly whenever it is in
the vicinity of anyone's SmartPhone or smart meter or electric vehicle.
"What the freak is an EMF meter," you might ask. It's a handy little
gadget that measures electro-magnetic fields. Put it next to your cell
phone and it pretty much goes bananas.
"What can I do to cut down on my, er, electro-magnetic fields," you
might ask next -- once I have turned off all those whistles and bells.
"Go online and buy a Faraday case for your cell phone," I replied. "Or go all O.G. and only use a burner."
"Go without my iPhone?" You look horrified. "Why!" Because human
beings are not meant to live around 5G. Or LED. Or Smart Cities or
even that computer on wheels that we now call a car. Where do you think
that brain fog comes from? Viruses? Space Aliens? Yeah, right.
"But what can I do?" you ask next. Don't ask me. I'm as addicted to
computers as the next guy. Sure, I gave up my SmartPhone and only drive a
1990 Toyota but still.... There are 30 smart meters right outside my
window, everyone I know has a 5G cell phone and cell towers are
everywhere. You're doomed. I'm doomed. That's just how it goes.
Unless you're a billionaire and can afford to live in a log cabin on a mountaintop in Peru.
Or unless like what happened to me today, your utility company turns
off your electricity "in order to repair stuff" and you can spend one
whole pleasant day without having to endure all those EMF "murders by
the building".
Hey, at least my landline still works.
Did you ever wonder why Los Angeles burst into flames so quickly this
winter? Lithium batteries! Smart meters, cell towers and electric
vehicles -- oh my! So now they're gonna replace Pacific Palisades with a
Smart City. "Only murders by the buildings."
When my utility company cut off the power to my apartment complex
today, I had no electricity. All. Day. Long. I've never been so
bored in my life. Think about it. No computer. No stove to cook on.
No TV, no wi-fi, no live-stream, no Netflix. No lamp to read by. No
working refrigerator. Had to grope around in the dark even to use the
freaking toilet. Felt like I was back in medieval Europe -- or in Gaza.
Boy are we spoiled.
Around 3:00 pm I finally walked over to the library and checked out Rachel Kushner's new book, Creation Lake.
Right there on page 166, one of her characters said it all. "Cities
are a false world and one that convinces its denizens that there is no
other." And on page 321 she writes, "There were criminals and
delinquents on the one hand and on the other were the intellectuals like
Guy. Guy was committed to rejecting society, while the hoodlums lived
their rejection instead of thinking about it." Wow, that's deep.
"And the only answer to create a decent society is to create
community and follow the Golden Rule," said one of Kushner's main
characters. Non-violence? Works for me. But someone needs to inform
the Pentagon about that -- and to also persuade our buildings to stop
murdering us.
never forget that if the neo-cons, Zionists, Evil Globalist Bastards and
various other powerful people with no conscience can do horrendous things to
Palestinians, Syrians, Ukrainians, the Amish and Los Angeles, what's to
stop them from doing it to us too? Nothing.
At least they have banned chemtrails in Tennessee. Elites Race for Total Control: Where are we standing today? – Solari Video Server
If any of this is true, we are so screwed....
And more "15-minute cities conspiracy theories" for your consideration:
In order to save our economy, we need to go back on the Gold Standard!
Is climate change actually real or just another cheap gimmick to steal our money and land?
This is COLD. The depths and lengths Big Pharma is willing to go
to harm America's kids in order to make money is disgusting.
And then there's "Dark MAGA".
ISIS slaughter in Syria -- supported by American neo-cons and Zionists.
What about Starlink and all that other techie stuff?
Electronic Intifada:
Zionists are finally starting to admit that October 7 was a screw-up by
the IDF and that the Hannibal Directive caused most of the Israeli
deaths on that day.
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books:
Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee". I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.