River of Blood: European Zionists & American neo-cons have turned the Middle East into a slaughterhouse
Things have gotten so gory and horrific in the Middle East these days thanks to a bunch of psychotic neo-colonialists on a death-cult serial-killing spree in West Asia, that I decided to take a mini-vacation last week and just bury my brain in an alternative reality for a few days -- one where my very own government hasn't been systematically blowing the heads off of babies in the Middle East since way back in 2001.
[Actually my grasp of history in this region might be a little off -- didn't America's CIA start funding the slaughter of Iranians as far back as 1953? And of course there's the presumptuous Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 and that bloody Balfour Declaration in 1917. And didn't European Zionists really start slaughtering Palestinians in earnest back in 1933 when they signed that Haavara agreement with Hitler? I could be wrong.]
In any case it was obviously time for me to start denying reality -- and so I headed off down to La La Land.
The bus to Los Angles took nine hours and the wi-fi onboard was broken, but the secret of life is to always bring a book so I was okay.
I'd clicked on Expedia and purchased a few nights in a cheap flophouse in Hollywood -- but much to my surprise, the Samesun Hostel was clean, safe, friendly and located right across the street from Grauman's Chinese Theater and the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
After consuming an amazing corned beef sandwich at Canter's Deli on Fairfax, I wandered over to Sunset Boulevard and watched three (3) major celebrities get out of their limos! Should I run over and ask them for their autographs? Nah.
And now I'm back home in Berkeley -- and the Headchoppers are still at work in Syria, Beirut is still badly wounded even after a ceasefire with Bibi the Butcher that only Lebanon's side honors, babies are still getting blown up in Gaza daily, Iran is facing even more bombs, Yemen has been bombarded for years, Iraq is still struggling to recover from Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.), European Zionists and American neo-cons are still creating a River of Blood in the Middle East, everyone in West Asia still hates us -- and Americans and Europeans are still paying for all this shite via endless hyper-inflation and 24/7 propaganda assaults.
Welcome back to reality.
PS: Remember back when the 1991 Gulf War was started because of "incubator baby" false propaganda? Well, apparently dozens of real incubator baby deaths don't even count these days -- not when the dead babies are Palestinian. And remember back when al Qaeda was accused of blowing up the Twin Towers on 9-11 and was our worst enemy -- and yet this self-same al Qaeda is now our BFF in Syria?
Sometimes reality seems totally unreal too.
PPS: American neo-cons and European Zionists also seem to be living in La La Land. American neo-cons are currently conducting all-out bloody wars on two major fronts and also have a lot of little wars going on all over the globe -- and are paying for them by going deeper and deeper into horrendous debt. Meanwhile, Zionists are fighting battles on six or seven (I lost track) different fronts in the Middle East -- on America's dime.
Want further proof that neo-cons and Zionists must be nibbling on 'shrooms about now? America simply can't manufacture weapons fast enough to meet the neo-con and Zionist demand for blood in Gaza and Ukra$ne.
In addition to American neo-cons not having enough weapons in stock to keep their shelves from getting bare, where the freak do the neo-cons and Zionists think that they are going to get all the millions of gallons of fuel necessary to run all their insanely expensive gas-guzzling climate-destroying war gadgetry? By stealing it from your car and mine? Yeah, duh.
Would I rather have gas for my 1990 Toyota -- or just waste it on creating endless Rivers of Blood everywhere neo-con Zionists go? "Easiest decision ev-ah!"
And another thing. War is not cheap and bloody immoral wars are even more expensive. Americans are sick and tired of paying for your blood-soaked war toys. "It's the economy, stupid."
Realistically, these idiots are in far over their heads. Put down the hallucinogens, guys. Do a reality check.
MUST-READ: That deadly Great Reset is still in the works -- only in bits and pieces so that we victims won't notice: https://off-guardian.org/2024/12/18/the-big-story-of-2024-that-nobody-is-talking-about/
Professor Marandi gives us the Iranian P.O.V.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLFdRlzp_1U
The Electronic Intifada once again chronicles the brutal and deliberate slaughter of innocents by Zionists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAp4XkI__fM
Man, have they got bad stuff in store for us (too): Claire Edwards - Hijack of 5G Space Appeal, Depopulation, Agenda 21/2030 and Climate Change
And the Houthis are fighting back big-time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifXF06hKZfY
By the Rivers of Babylon...but the wicked carried us away captivity! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnUKcEwT7NI&t=94sDogs eat bodies in Gaza but wealthy Arab countries can't even send body bags to Gaza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWj8itSPqOc
Just how badly have American neo-cons screwed up their 2014 scheme to use Ukra$ne to conquer Russia? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW5UW9htBQk
Here's a podcast about what is going on in Burma, yet another victim of one hundred years of colonialism (just ask George Orwell): https://www.wortfm.org/can-we-all-get-along/
Vanessa Beeley is an eye-witness to the bloodbath in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxcbty9gVhI