Thursday, January 19, 2023

Playing musical chairs in the White House: Clinton, Trump, Biden & Harris


Playing musical chairs in the White House:  Clinton, Trump, Biden & Harris

    Here's my own personal theory about politics:  Whoever has the most money and power is automatically in control of the White House.  Not Trump.  Not Biden.  Definitely not Clinton.  It takes a whole shite-load of power and much more money than Uncle Scrooge's money bin can hold to buy that chair behind the Resolute Desk. 

      Who has that kind of money?  The Federal Re$serve.  The mil$tary-industr$al complex.  The World Economic Forum.  But none of these hallowed institutions have the welfare of individual countries or nations in mind -- let alone the welfare of simple Americans peons like you and me.  They just want to rule the world.  That's all.  Is this too much to ask?

     So.  Here's what has happened so far:  In 2015, Hillary Clinton approached the Evil Globalist Bastards at their home-sweet-home town in Davos and said, "If you elect me Prez, I'll do everything you ask.  Didn't I just hand over Libya to you on a silver platter?  I can do this.  Trust me."

      But then Donald Trump came along and promised more.  "Ha!  I can offer far more than that bitch.  Let's make a deal!"  So Trump got elected in 2016.  Easy-peasy.

      But then in 2020, smooth-talking Joe Biden came along.  "Trump didn't give you nothing in the last four years.  I can give you much more.  Want a war in Ukra$e against Russia?  I'm your man!"  So Smokey Joe got the job instead of The Donald.

     But.  Then.  Joe slipped his leash for a quick moment and actually questioned Zelensky's fashion sense.  Not a smooth move on your part, Joseph.  Didn't Hunter's laptop teach you nothing?  Apparently not.  The Evil Globalist Bastards were not best-pleased and the next thing you know, secret documents are discovered in Biden's basement.  Oops, now Smokey Joe is gonna get impeached.

     "What will happen next?" you might ask.  According to a well-informed neighbor of mine, here's the next scenario regarding the White House's musical chairs.

     "If anyone has learned how to kiss bootie, it's our Kamala," says my neighbor.  "So the Harris Wheel herself calls up Davos and sez that she can promise even more than Hillary, Smokey Joe and Art (of the deal) Trump combined."  Fine.  You're in.

     "But things get even more stranger than that," continues my neighbor.  "Harris, as Heir to the Chair, automatically gets kicked upstairs.  However, even after being in office for a whole year, she still hadn't produced the expected payload.  No Great Reset or One World Order has appeared on her watch.  No perpetual lock-down.  No trans-human cyborgs.  But then the Big Wheel herself 'dies suddenly' in office and her new vice president, Hillary Clinton, has to take over."  
     And the game of White House musical chairs starts up once again.  And the Evil Globalist Bastards are still in power at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Yeah I know that Glen Beck is a libertarian and all that, but his is still the best interview with Whitney Webb available.  And Whitney Web knows where all the political bodies in DC are buried these days.

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books