Almost like a death in the family: Should I let my little red car die peacefully?
"You gotta pass the smog test!" the department of motor vehicles
screams at me. So I obediently drive my sweet little red 1990 Toyota
Tercel down to the local gas station -- and it passes the emissions test
with flying colors.
Good job, little car!
But then the "check engine" light won't turn off. Defective part.
"Sorry but they don't make that part any more," sez my mechanic. So my
car fails the smog test after all. But am I really ready to let my
little red car die? Just like that? After 30 long loyal years of
faithful service? What would Greta Thunberg do?
Of course the right thing to do is to give up my little red car -- and
help save the human race. But then I look around me. No one else is
giving up any of their cars.
And speaking of whether or not to die peacefully, we Americans are not
being given that choice -- but Medicare-for-all would go a long way
toward solving that problem, right?
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