Jim Crow on steroids: Palestine, Gaza & man's inhumanity to man
In 1965 I participated in that legendary civil-rights march from
Selma to Montgomery. Being seven months pregnant, however, I only
walked the last couple of miles -- but I still remember every moment of that glorious march. We all so very hopeful
back then.
Listening to Martin Luther King Jr. as he spoke to us on the
steps of the Montgomery County courthouse, we all visualized the beginnings of a
sparkling new world where only the good parts of mankind would rise to
the top. Boy were we naïve.
In America today, our leaders are no longer actively supporting Jim
Crow in the American South, of course, and this is a good thing. However. For the past several decades, our leaders have been busily sharing this repugnant concept with all the rest of the
world. Exporting it to every country possible. Jim Crow on steroids.
Hardly anyone remembers Bull Connor these days, right? He was the
chief of police in Birmingham, Alabama, back in the day. He's the one who
released water cannons and attack dogs on peaceful civil rights marchers
who only wanted justice and equality -- and not just token DEI. Not just
claiming to be "Woke". Real human dignity.
Flash forward from 1965 to 2025. 60 years later, America has created myriad new Bull Connors in this world -- only now they are armed with missiles, drones, artificial
intelligence surveillance mechanisms, 2000-pound bombs, a
trillion-dollar budget and limitless propaganda supporting neo-Nazis in
Ukra$ne, fostering genocide in Gaza and encouraging land theft and lynch
mobs in Palestine's West Bank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoFmV7LjQ0Q&t=550s
60 years after America's heroic civil rights movement, that's all we've
got to show for it now? Man's limitless inhumanity to man?
Segregation? Injustice?
Bully for Bull Connor.
Bull Connor has won in the end -- even worldwide. His hatred still
rears its ugly head in 2025, both in Ukra$ne and in Palestine. The Bull
Connors of this world have won. Connor must be laughing his freaking
head off in Hell.
And yet, silly me, I still just keep on marching. Thankfully, however, I'm no longer seven months preggers. What's your excuse.
When I toured Palestine recently I met two (2) genocide scholars, and I
asked both them politely, "How many slaughters and/or genocides have Americans had their
hands in since way back when?" Their eyes glazed over. Sooo hard to count up how many. And so I started my own list.
Haiti. Rwanda. Burundi. Korea back in 1953. Burma. Angola.
Palestine. East Timor. Uganda. Vietnam. Chile. American Indians. Yemen. The Contra
death squads in Central America. Congo. Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Mexico. The Philippines. Cambodia. Iraq was basically a genocide too.
The Atlantic slave trade. Hiroshima.
Wait, what. Was Hiroshima a genocide or only just a slaughter....
"So what's your point, Jane?" My point is that the human race could do better. Much better.
As I walked down the Via Dolorosa in the Old City of Jerusalem
recently, I just kept thinking, "What would Jesus do?" He certainly
would never have squandered America's great wealth on genocide and
slaughter. He would have helped Americans whose homes were destroyed in Los Angeles and North Carolina instead.
What would Jesus do? Screw that. What would you do? Sadly, most of you have already done it -- chosen Bull Connor.
Another thing that I noticed in Tel Aviv was that most of the
construction workers building all those luxury condos there were Palestinian
-- just like most of the construction workers working on luxury condos
in America are Mexican. So what would happen if all these construction
workers went on strike? Who would build our luxury condos then? You
and me? Yeah, right.
Or, better yet, what if all the construction workers in the world showed up to help rebuild Gaza? For the Palestinians who live there? Sorry Bibi and Donald, you are shite out of luck. No Gaza Riviera for you! No American Marines fighting and dying for Bull Connor.
Trump has sold MAGA out to the techno-feudalists. What the H1B Visa Scuffle Reveals About MAGA
I just got interviewed by Eduardo and Andy!!! Jane Stillwater (1942 - 2028)
How America totally screwed up in Afghanistan. Neo-cons are unbelievably dumb: Afghanistan's Untold Story, Paul Fitzgerald & Elizabeth Gould Interview -Left on Left LIVE Recording
Fool around and find out: If the Zionist/Neo-con wars on the Middle East escalate, oil prices could go up to $400 a barrel. Israel is COLLAPSING: Gaza Resistance HUMILIATES IDF, Iran’s DEADLY Strike Nears w/ Mohammad Marandi
Kandil sez that the West Bank will erupt big-time because it is an
existential battle for both Palestinians and settlers. Yikes! The Daily Insights jan 30, 2025
More about what the techo-feudalists have in mind for us: Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism (w/ Yanis Varoufakis) | The Chris Hedges Report
On the bones of genocide, Trump and Bibi toast the new Gaza condos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmyhDub4mwE
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jane-Stillwater/author/B00IW6O1RM?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee". I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/janestillwater