Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Gaza redeux: Zionists are now slouching toward Bethlehem, the Aida refugee camp & my favorite cafe!


Gaza redeux: Zionists are now slouching toward Bethlehem, the Aida refugee camp & my favorite cafe

     Yes, we now have a ceasefire in Gaza -- but the serial killers of Zion still ain't done slaughtering yet.  They've simply moved their bloody freak show to Palestine's West Bank.  And what pisses me off most about this latest development is that when I was at the Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem recently, I discovered a small hole-in-the-wall coffee shop that made the best hot chocolate ever.  Is the IDF going to put my hot chocolate in danger now too?

     Now that the Zionists have focused their death beams on the West Bank even more, I've not only got to worry about all those Palestinians being slaughtered and lynched in Hebron, Nablus and Jenin but also now I've got to worry about whether or not my favorite Aida cafe is still selling hot chocolate!  That's just too much.  I truly can't deal.  If anything bad happens to this cafe, Bibi the Butcher is gonna have to answer to me.  End of discussion.

     I was also in the West Bank when Gaza's ceasefire victory was announced.  Everyone here was totally ecstatic.  Me too.  There's only so much slaughter I can read about or watch live-stream on Telegram without going gaga or setting my hair on fire, right? 

     My personal favorite theory about the ceasefire in Gaza is that when Netanyahu heard that I was in Palestine, the mere thought of me being anywhere near Tel Aviv terrified him so much that he immediately signed up for a ceasefire.  But I could be wrong.  

     Who is Netanyahu more terrified of?  Hamas or me?  Probably Hamas.


     If Bibi the Butcher harms even one single drop of my favorite Aida cafe then he obviously needs to be far more fearful of me!  Humph.  The gloves are off. 

     And I also have a friend whose mother lives in Nablus.  Bibi had better watch out for her too.  Us little old ladies are fierce!

PS:  Here's the deal.  Zionist butchers continue to have big plans for the West Bank.  They've already stolen most of the land in Area C and over 400,000 settler-colonialists have already either driven out or murdered most of the Palestinians there.  Now they are working on ethnically cleansing Area B as well.  Palestinians in Area B now live under Jim Crow laws and lynchings there are common, necktie parties or not.  
     The Zionists' ultimate goal in the West Bank appears to be, "Let's drive all the Palestinians into Area A and then bomb the crap out of them."
     Zionists may think that genocide in the West Bank will be a cake walk.  "No tunnels, no Hamas fighters, no rockets, no war toys."  But Palestinians on the West Back have two secret weapons.  They now have world opinion on their side -- and they also have really good hot chocolate.

     "Wait, what," you might say.  "Jane, you are being totally antisemitic!"  Uh, no.  Christian Zionists are just as blood-thirsty as Bibi and the Hilltop Boys -- not to mention the bottomless blood lust of such vampires as Biden, Trump and the US Congress. 

     And one more thing.  The City of Ramallah has a sign out in front of it that says "No Israelis allowed".  Of course the IDF occasionally sneaks in at night to burn stuff down -- but that's not my point.  My point is that Ramallah is a large thriving city that is doing extremely well all on its own, thank you very much.  To paraphrase what that Mexican bandit leader once told Humphrey Bogart, "We don't need no stinking Zionists!"
PS:  A one-state solution here would clearly benefit everyone -- especially the Jews.  Then they could stop pretending to be moral and might actually be moral.  Plus my favorite coffee shop might actually survive better in a democracy than in this current fascistic regime.

PPS:  As long as I'm rambling along here, I might as well mention that I'm a member of the Screen Actors Guild and that we members are all spozed to vote on the best actors of 2024.  And, as usual for almost every freaking year since 1945, some of the nominated actors have starred in movies about the World War II holocaust -- but not one actor ever has been nominated for starring in a movie about the Palestine Holocaust (which is still going on).   
     One holocaust happened 80 years ago and Americans did nothing to prevent it.  But one is also happening right now and Americans are still doing nothing to prevent this one either.


William Butler Yeats also slouched toward Bethlehem:
The Electronic Intifada reports on the Aida Camp:

"Follow the Science":  How much has America's mNRA feeding frenzy cost us so far?  A lot:
Lutheran pastor Munther Isaac in Bethlehem says, "We don’t have a Palestine-Israel conflict, but only the state terrorist Israel committing ethnic cleansing and genocidal destruction of native populations for its expansionist settler colonial project in God’s name."
Of course it's always been "The People vs. the Banks".  It's just that most people don't realize this.  It starts tomorrow: people vs. the banks
Must watch:  The Electronic Intifada's heroic Ali Abunimah finally got out of the Swiss prison where he was illegally detained.
Always a good idea to catch up with the latest Grayzone
Canadian poet El Jones comments on her recent trip to the West Bank.  Highly insightful:
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee".  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.