What plans are in store for us too -- after West Asia becomes just another American condominium?
Sorry that I keep getting distracted but creating memes are just sooo much fun! And, frankly, fun is a little scarce in America these days....
PPS: An Israeli friend of mine just carefully explained to me that there really are some moral and honorable Israelis who actually hate Netanyahu and everything he is doing. Good to know -- that there really are good people left in Israel (even though over a million of the more decent ones have just voted with their feet and moved back to their original countries).
PPPS: More Holocaust philosophy at 4:00 am: On the one hand right now, we have all these "Good Israelis" and on the other hand we have all these "Good Americans," all of whom, like the 1940s "Good Germans" before them, are still allowing the most bloody Holocaust in history to continue to happen (Day 401). Is that a run-on sentence or what!
And is Gaza really the bloodiest Holocaust? Or, in terms of ratios and percentages of people slaughtered, was the Nazi Holocaust worse? Or perhaps the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Holocaust? Or the million-plus people slaughtered in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, etc. in the name of 9-11? And just how many modern Holocausts are gonna be allowed before the average person starts to ask questions.
According to my Franklin Daily Planner, "Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat." Or to get rid of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of helpless babies....
One whole year of genocide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlFvGy7NO3w&t=144s
Prof. Joseph Massad talks about the history of Arab uprisings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwMLAATCBk&t=2s
On the other hand, we have a financial Holocaust going on -- and probably a Black Swan coming too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldc2UQBzzKI
BREAKING: The International Court has declared Israel an illegal state: https://x.com/Ioan92244533060/status/1853158205620138012
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