Monday, November 20, 2023

Germany, Israel & Dash: Deja vu all over again

Germany, Israel & Dash: Deja vu all over again

     Back in the day, those despicably vicious Nazis declared jihad on all German Jews.  Tragically sad.  And it was even sadder that, by 1943, most American and British intelligence agencies already knew that German Jews were being massacred by the thousands -- but did nothing about it.  "No one is coming to save them".

     And now let's fast-forward to Gaza in 2023.  Thousands of women and children are being massacred there too -- and most Americans seem to be okay with that.  Our government and our military are actively supporting genocide in Gaza.  "No one is coming to save them" either.

     History repeats itself.

PS:  Here's a hot tip from my editor, Bob Patterson.  Back in the day, he went to a Catholic grade school in Scranton, Pennsylvania -- and guess what?  There was a kid in his class that went by the nickname of "Dash" -- but his real name was Joe Biden.

      They called him Dash back then and he is still living up to his name -- as he dashes as fast as he can toward any corrupt deal on offer, dashes toward any "war" he can get his hands on, dashes to supply bombs to murder Gaza babies, dashes to keep his criminal son out of jail, dashes to support DASH terrorists in Syria, dashes to tell as many lies as humanly possible at news conferences, dashes to appease the Evil Globalist Bastards and dashes to sell his soul to whatever devil pays him the most. 

     But at least Biden no longer dashes down the stairs of Air Force One.  

     And, sadly, Biden's nickname isn't "Dash" any more.  It's now "Genocide Joe".

PPS:  Right before the October 7 disaster, Zionists and Saudis held a big meet-and-greet.  What did they talk about?  Here's one possible scenario:

     "We need to agree on some very important stuff right now," said the head Zionist.  "No matter what happens in the next month, will you still support us?  Will you still sell us oil?"

     "Yeah," answered Prince Mohammad bin Charming.  "I got your back."

     "Even if we stage a false flag operation so that we can bomb the freak out of Gaza and slaughter thousands of babies?" asked the Zionist.  "Will you still send us oil to fuel our American-made bomber planes?"

      "Of course," replied The Prince.  "What are neighbors for if not to help each other out."  And so it was decided -- and the rest is history.


The War on Terror has increased "Terror" by 75,000%:  It’s Impossible To Bomb A Population Into Submission And Obedience

Scott Ritter nails it again with regard to mistakes made and people murdered in Gaza:  WARRIOR UPDATE WITH SCOTT RITTER - CIVIL WAR IN KIEV AS US CASH RUNS DRY

War mongers insult our intelligence by supporting genocide:  They’re Just Insulting Our Intelligence At This Point

"As the world focuses on Hamas and Israel, the global re-organization phase of the Great Reset is just quietly going about its business.  Building a net and waiting to tighten it."  UN & Bill Gates Launch “50in5” Global Digital Infrastructure Plans

The Evil Globalist Bastards have been feeding us scary false narratives for how long?  COV$D (aka the common flu) for 1,348 days.  The jab that will save us (only it doesn't) for 1,062 days.  Bloody Ukra$ne for 636 days.  Genocide in Gaza for 48 days.  What false narrative will they dream up to scare us next? 
And the Federal Reserve no longer has to pay taxes -- but we still do.  Communism for the wealthy:
Here is an important update regarding how the Zionists are trying to weasel out of even a temporary ceasefire. 


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities:  Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Down

I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's a link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please donate even just five dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!