Friday, August 05, 2022

Madam Jane's List: Grim thoughts about what to expect in our future


Madam Jane's List: Grim thoughts about what to expect in our future

      Madam Jane was all in a tizzy this morning because she had so much on her mind.  "So many bad things are gonna happen in the future that I can't even keep track of them all," she cried.  So I gave her the advice that a friend of mine had just given me.  "Make a list".  And she did.  Here it is:

1.  Somehow President Biden is managing to Poke the Bear and also Poke the Dragon both at the same time.  Even Trump wasn't stupid enough to do that.  This is bound to end up badly. 

2.  There are only two things that stand in the way of the Evil Globalist Bastards' current hard-charging attempt to take over the world:  You and me.  So they isolate us, starve us, impoverish us, inflate our money, jail us, steal our homes, sic Big Pharma on us, blow us up with weapons, snatch our children, put us under surveillance 24/7 and replace us with robots.  
     Apparently none of these things are very hard to do.  Just control the evening news and voila!  Americans will always go along to get along.  Evil Globalist Bastards will run the planet.

3.  We will continue to be constantly bombarded with War Propaganda.  Scott Ritter reminded us that World War I was started by War Propaganda about Huns and Nuns.  Hitler stole his War Propaganda ideas from the Brits and refined them in order to cause World War II.  Hitler became the undisputed King of War Propaganda and Master of the Big Lie -- until America boldly usurped his title.

      America's Big Lie about the Gulf of Tonkin started the War on Vietnam.  We all know about the WMD Big Lie and the incubator-baby lies against Iraq.  Or at least we should know.  They used barrel-bomb lies and poisonous-gas lies against Syria.  Now we're constantly getting the War Propaganda Big Lie that Zelensky isn't a corrupt oligarch out to murder his own people for fun and profit.  Where will all this War Propaganda end up?  I see blood.  Lots more blood.

4.  I've also seen the sad results of the new policies that NATO just advocated regarding the restoration of Ukra$ne after the Propaganda War there is over.  These policies sound hopeful, right?  But they are just more of the same bull dookie, and what will actually end up happening to Ukrainians is what happened in the former USSR -- American corporatists will swoop in, support the most corrupt oligarchs, steal Ukraine's resources and let everyone else starve.  Poor Ukraine.  Sigh.

5:  Money Pox!  Literally.  The Evil Globalist Bastards want us to be on digital currency so badly that they will soon start telling us that monkeypox is only spread one way -- hand to hand via cash transactions.  So they will destroy all cash, put us all on digital currency "for our own safety" and control us that way because of course money pox isn't spread through plastic.  Too late we will discover that we've been had.  Again.

6.  America used to be a Great Power.  But it isn't any more.  Sure, America has one of the greatest military machines in the world today.  But you can't eat bullets.  And when China cuts off its flow of goods to us, we'll be screwed.  And when most of our farms and ranches are shut down thanks to Bill Gates and his Evil Globalist Bastard back-up band, America will be brought to its knees.

      "Okay, Madam Jane," sez me.  "Too much bad news.  I've had enough!"

      "But wait!  There's more!" she replied.  Oh goody.  Don't I have enough nightmares already?  Apparently not.  Her list goes on.

7.  Then there's climate catastrophe.  What's the number-one cause of climate catastrophe?  War.  And yet the evening news is grooming us to prepare for wars with both China and Russia?  And our prez just announced that we are now spending (an additional) sixty billion dollars on bombs?  How is that gonna compare with the rest of us merely recycling our bottles and taking public transit once in a while?  It won't.  We're screwed. 

8.  Then there's the Federal Re$erve, the central bank that has just created trillions of dollars out of thin air.  In less polite circles this would be called counterfeiting and those bastards would go to jail.  As it is, the Federal Re$erve can only hide their crimes by causing further inflation so that all the evidence against them will suddenly go away -- along with all our life savings.  I predict that it's time to start buying gold and silver.

9.  "Look over there -- not at the man behind the curtain!"  Look at the COV$D panic, the Ukra$ne panic, the money pox panic.  Look anywhere except at the Great Financial Disaster of 2019, the one that we never heard about because we were too distracted by all of the above.  And what will be the next panic that they will think up to distract us from the fact that we've just been robbed blind by the Federal Re$erve?  World War 3, of course. 

      This future horror alone causes me to not be able to sleep at night.  And it is a wonder to me that anyone else can.

10.  Basically, Palestine has been occupied for over 75 years -- and its occupation is the prototype for how powerful men, by the use of force, surveillance, genocide, segregation and theft of natural resources, can control an occupied population.  And what will America look like 75 years from now?  Gaza.  If we are lucky.
11.  Even though America's current Millennial generations have no first-hand knowledge of the extreme hardships of economic collapse or the unspeakable horrors of war, I predict that all this is gonna rapidly change if said Millennials don't immediately pull off their blinders, get their noses out of their iPhones and get their feet out of the fire.

12.  Russia didn't create that corrupt oligarch Zelensky in Ukraine.  NATO did.  Russia and China didn't create inflation, homelessness, unemployment, food shortages, supply-chain disruptions, poverty and despair in the Eden that used to be America.  Our very own leaders did.  And they are currently working on creating even more of this mess.

13.  Everything that real scientists and real journalists say or do in order to try to bring the American public back to their senses will continue to be censored and labeled "conspiracy theories" by the all-powerful evening news.  Perhaps we could just defeat the Evil Globalist Bastards by constantly bombarding them with even more and more "conspiracy theories"?  Sadly, no.  That won't work either.

     "Madam Jane," I sighed, "The future that you have laid out here is grim beyond belief.  But have you got any solutions?  What if all us little people band together and finally put our foot down to stop all this evil Globalist nonsense?  Hey, it hasn't happened so far.  But it could.  Do you see anything hopeful on the horizon?  Anything at all?" 

      Madam Jane was silent.


Scott Ritter's eye-opening video regarding America's wistful policy toward China:

What Prof. Mark Crispin Miller has to say about War Propaganda:

Still confused about the COV$D panic?  Dr. Yeadon will straighten you out: 

Am currently reading the William Shirer book about Hitler, who used to be the King of War Propaganda and absolute Master of the Big Lie -- but he's obviously been dethroned by American mainstream media:

And is Taiwan doomed to become the staging area for a nuclear war on China?  Looks that way:
Jabbed Brits over age 80 are 213% more likely to die from all causes than un-jabbed Brits.  No wonder Boris Johnson resigned!


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.   And while you're at it, please buy my books.