Global (and judicial) warming and cooling: Why we get both
It seems to me that the reason we get global warming in some places and global cooling in others should be as plain as the nose on your face -- at least to those of us who live in Berkeley.
Whenever it gets hot in Walnut Creek, over the hill from Berkeley, we always get a strong wind here as our own cooler air rushes over to balance out Walnut Creek's hotspots.
So global warming and cooling should clearly work in the same way -- except on a planetary scale. As Florida really heats up, for instance, cold air from the Arctic should rush in to balance temperatures out. And hurricanes and tornadoes appear to be getting bigger and nastier here to compensate for temperature changes somewhere else. All over the planet, increased warm areas are being balanced out by increased cold areas -- and vice-versa. That's my new climate-change theory and I'm sticking to it.
So global warming and cooling should clearly work in the same way -- except on a planetary scale. As Florida really heats up, for instance, cold air from the Arctic should rush in to balance temperatures out. And hurricanes and tornadoes appear to be getting bigger and nastier here to compensate for temperature changes somewhere else. All over the planet, increased warm areas are being balanced out by increased cold areas -- and vice-versa. That's my new climate-change theory and I'm sticking to it.
And Justice works the same way as well. We gotta have liberty and
justice for all -- and not just for Poobahs and cartels. Because if we don't, it's all going to
even out in the end eventually -- one way or another.
Everyone everywhere keeps track of these things.
And when justice only goes to the wealthy and not to the poor, things
definitely get hotter in one spot and cooler in another.
When big banks act unjustly
and screw small homeowners, they are creating a financial "Polar
Vortex" When corporations get billions in welfare while people who
actually need government services -- and pay taxes for them too -- are
told they are moochers, then areas of highs and lows are created and
wretched imbalances are struck.
When Justin Bieber doesn't get deported
for being drunk and disorderly yet other hard-working non-citizens who
are helping to make America stronger get thrown in jail just for being
on this side of a border, fair weather could become cloudy with a
chance of injustice (although Bieber has just set a legal precedent that
immigration attorneys all over America can now use to defend their
clients. Way to go, Beebs!)
According to Noel Castellanos, "Justice is doing more than saving the drowning people, it’s changing the ones who are pushing them into the lake." And in all too many countries all over the Global South, where social justice and economic democracy are in short supply, both economic disasters and violent (and non-violent) revolutions are common. "Why should I respect the rule of law when it doesn't respect me?" seems to be the gist of thinking in the Global South.
According to Noel Castellanos, "Justice is doing more than saving the drowning people, it’s changing the ones who are pushing them into the lake." And in all too many countries all over the Global South, where social justice and economic democracy are in short supply, both economic disasters and violent (and non-violent) revolutions are common. "Why should I respect the rule of law when it doesn't respect me?" seems to be the gist of thinking in the Global South.
And as social, economic and legal injustices become more
and more
common in America now too, and more and more of America's "justice for
all" has become only "justice for corporations," economic democracy is
now becoming a museum piece here too, a thing of the past along with
telephones and kerosene lamps -- leaving us open for violent (and
revolutions to start flowing into the low areas here too.
Handing out fake justice to some but denying it to others is a really good formula for making peace impossible all over the world and in America too -- and, to paraphrase that old TV commercial, "Peace is our most important product".
And apparently both the weather system and the justice system in America right now are refusing to tolerate extreme highs and lows.
Handing out fake justice to some but denying it to others is a really good formula for making peace impossible all over the world and in America too -- and, to paraphrase that old TV commercial, "Peace is our most important product".
And apparently both the weather system and the justice system in America right now are refusing to tolerate extreme highs and lows.
Don't say you haven't been warned.
PS: Speaking of justice, at this month's Berkeley-Albany Bar Association luncheon (curried chicken and caesar
salad at the Berkeley City Club), a prominent trial attorney gave us his annual
talk on what the U.S. Supreme Court had been up to this past year. And
here are some things that he said. If I got any of it wrong, it's my
fault -- not his. So don't judge him. Judge me -- for taking bad notes.
"The first thing you should know about the current Supreme Court is
that it has a 44% approval rating with the American public."
And regarding individual judges, the speaker told us that, "Thomas is silent on the bench at all
times. He never asks any questions. Scalia is very influential, but I
can't see why. He also never looks at any foreign laws and is totally
not interested in what other countries think. His originalism comes at a
very bad time, however. Imagine if Thomas Jefferson had been like
that. Kagan used to be a dean -- and deans are all about authority.
Alito is a pleasant person but has always worked for the government and
has never worked with individuals who were being oppressed. Ginsberg used to work for the ACLU. Sotomayor
is one of the most impressive on the court."
"Five of these judges have committed our country to terrible things that
they never revealed to the Senate during their confirmation hearings."
"According to Dworkin,
the job of a judge is philosophical and broad -- and when doing it in a
democracy, you also need to understand the basics of a democracy as
"This year it is still the five vs. the four, and the four's teeth are
worn down to a terrible point because four is not enough."
"Scalia came out against actual innocence this year. Most of us think that if you are proven
innocent after sentencing, you should be able to turn in your orange
jump suit and go home. One man, after 17 years in jail, was proven not to have committed the crime. Scalia disagreed that he should be released."
"Criminal law has become an incredibly regulated event with regard
to sentencing. Judges no longer have the flexibility in this area that
they once had."
"The Court struck down the identity-card voting law in Arizona. Thomas and Alito dissented."
"The Court struck down the identity-card voting law in Arizona. Thomas and Alito dissented."
"Regarding ex post facto sentencing, Sotomayor wrote the opinion.
Guidelines that were not in effect at the time of sentencing can't
change the sentencing later."
"Regarding one DNA verdict, Scalia, Kagan Sotomayor and Ginsberg got
together on this one -- slowing that it was not just the usual straight
five-to-four mix last year."
"What if a defendant stops talking after he is arrested? Can his
silence be commented on or held against him as evidence of guilt?" Not
sure how that case turned out.
"Right to a lawyer -- a competent lawyer, providing standards for
attorneys not only the standards provided by the state bar. Trevino v.
Thaler was habeas corpus case regarding ineffective assistance of
counsel." The court ruled that Texas didn't consider that Trevino had
ineffective counsel before sending him to Death Row.
"Daimler v. Bauman. Dealt with Argentina's Dirty War and
jurisdiction. No, you can't hold to account foreigners involved in
torture overseas. This one was recently decided."
"The race factor: Not appropriate for U-Texas Austin to use it for
admissions without an airtight justification and the application of
direct scrutiny. Only Ginsberg dissented."
"Adequacy of drug warnings are preempted by federal law."
"U.Texas medical center v. Nassar: Employment discrimination must be
proved by lots of evidence. Ginsberg dissented." The Supreme Court
made it harder for employees who were charging discrimination and
retaliation to win their cases."
"Class actions: The Supreme court has been limiting them in the past.
However, in Angen v. Connecticut Retirement Plans, materiality did not
need to be proved in order to establish a case as a class action.
Alito, Thomas and Scalia dissented." I just bet they did.
"Patents: DNA cannot be patented. Unanimous decision. Things that are open and obvious don't deserve a patent. But no one on the Supreme Court knows much about patents. They are all generalists in an age of specialization -- but, in their position, must take a broad range of cases anyway."
PPS: Am leaving for Haiti on February 12. According to Dr. Paul Farmer, Haiti has undergone centuries of injustice on a frightening scale. According to Farmer, “The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world.” And Haiti is now also the victim of climate change as well.
Haiti is a perfect example of what I have been talking about here. And apparently Haitians are totally ready to support both "justice for all" and climate stability -- and also Jean-Bertrand Aristide as well. Go them.
Advertizements for myself: In these hard times of brutal (and illegal) corporatist ball-busting socialism-for-the-rich-only, I am doing whatever I can to make a spare dollar. Here are some of my current alternate-economy schemes that never seem to work -- but I keep hoping!
If anyone ever wants to hire me on as a travel writer (or war correspondent), "Have laptop, will travel!" And am leaving for Haiti on Valentines Day -- so stay tuned for that report too.
Need someone to help you throw out stuff? I'm really good at deciding what needs to be thrown out (starting with all those corporate-owned bums in Washington!)
Need an actor to play an older woman in your movie? Then I'm your man! I can portray all kinds of older women -- from judges, business execs and other insane zombies to bag ladies, cancer patients, kindly grandmothers and dying patients in rest homes. I've played them all. So send me a script and let's do this. Hollywood, here we come! Here's my new 2014 reel:
Are you a plaintiffs' attorney who is tired of writing those pesky personal injury settlement briefs all the time? No problem! I can write them for you. Years of experience. And pay me only if you win the case.

I recently got my Notary Public commission!
Need a Notary Public? Have seal, will travel. E-mail me at and I'll stamp your document, make it official and only charge $10. Of course if you live outside of Berkeley, I may have to charge travel expenses -- but am well worth it!
Want something good to read?
Buy my
book! "Bring Your Own Flak Jacket:
Helpful Tips for Touring
Today's Middle East," available at
Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It's like if Jack Kerouac, Mark Twain and/or Janet Evanovich went to war.
I also wrote a book about going on Hajj (also included as a chapter in "Bring Your Own Flak Jacket," but this book is cheaper -- but it's worth buying them both!) My book on the Hajj is so outstanding that I bet even Christian fundamentalists will love it! Please buy it here:
"Imagine a world where EVERY child is wanted, nurtured, protected and loved: World peace in one generation!"You can now buy T-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, truckers' caps, baby gear and/or teddy bears with this logo printed on them. They make great gifts, especially for parents and teachers. To purchase, just click here:

"Life is a competition. The winners are the ones who do the most good deeds." You can also buy T-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, truckers' caps, baby gear and/or teddy bears with this logo printed on them. They make great gifts, especially for those of us who are still idealists in these troubled times. To purchase, just click here:
"Patents: DNA cannot be patented. Unanimous decision. Things that are open and obvious don't deserve a patent. But no one on the Supreme Court knows much about patents. They are all generalists in an age of specialization -- but, in their position, must take a broad range of cases anyway."
PPS: Am leaving for Haiti on February 12. According to Dr. Paul Farmer, Haiti has undergone centuries of injustice on a frightening scale. According to Farmer, “The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world.” And Haiti is now also the victim of climate change as well.
Haiti is a perfect example of what I have been talking about here. And apparently Haitians are totally ready to support both "justice for all" and climate stability -- and also Jean-Bertrand Aristide as well. Go them.
Advertizements for myself: In these hard times of brutal (and illegal) corporatist ball-busting socialism-for-the-rich-only, I am doing whatever I can to make a spare dollar. Here are some of my current alternate-economy schemes that never seem to work -- but I keep hoping!
If anyone ever wants to hire me on as a travel writer (or war correspondent), "Have laptop, will travel!" And am leaving for Haiti on Valentines Day -- so stay tuned for that report too.
Need someone to help you throw out stuff? I'm really good at deciding what needs to be thrown out (starting with all those corporate-owned bums in Washington!)

Need an actor to play an older woman in your movie? Then I'm your man! I can portray all kinds of older women -- from judges, business execs and other insane zombies to bag ladies, cancer patients, kindly grandmothers and dying patients in rest homes. I've played them all. So send me a script and let's do this. Hollywood, here we come! Here's my new 2014 reel:
Are you a plaintiffs' attorney who is tired of writing those pesky personal injury settlement briefs all the time? No problem! I can write them for you. Years of experience. And pay me only if you win the case.
I recently got my Notary Public commission!
Need a Notary Public? Have seal, will travel. E-mail me at and I'll stamp your document, make it official and only charge $10. Of course if you live outside of Berkeley, I may have to charge travel expenses -- but am well worth it!
I also wrote a book about going on Hajj (also included as a chapter in "Bring Your Own Flak Jacket," but this book is cheaper -- but it's worth buying them both!) My book on the Hajj is so outstanding that I bet even Christian fundamentalists will love it! Please buy it here:
"Imagine a world where EVERY child is wanted, nurtured, protected and loved: World peace in one generation!"You can now buy T-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, truckers' caps, baby gear and/or teddy bears with this logo printed on them. They make great gifts, especially for parents and teachers. To purchase, just click here:
"Life is a competition. The winners are the ones who do the most good deeds." You can also buy T-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, truckers' caps, baby gear and/or teddy bears with this logo printed on them. They make great gifts, especially for those of us who are still idealists in these troubled times. To purchase, just click here: