Plea for funds: Help me to get to Uganda?
In the last ten years, I've participated in five different Global Exchange Reality Tours, and each one of them has been both awesome and jaw-dropping. GX has taken me to Cuba, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea and Belfast! And I've gotten to see places and meet people there that nobody, not even the locals, hardly ever get to see or know.
And I've also been able to come back home and write about what I have seen and to help tell other Americans that Iran, Cuba, Afghanistan. etc. are not filled with evil terrorists and boogeymen but rather with just ordinary people like you and me, trying to make a life for their families just like we do.
So when Global Exchange recently announced that it was sponsoring a new trip to Uganda on July 2, I was SO there! Signed up immediately. The trip will focus on efforts in Uganda to stop human trafficking and eliminate the use of child soldiers -- what's not to like about that!
But then it suddenly dawned on me that I'm also gonna need money and sponsors to get to Uganda. Yikes! So if anyone out there wants to help sponsor me, now is your chance and here is a link to my PayPal account: Or just e-mail me at and I'll send you more information.
PS: Global Exchange has also just accomplished something else that is rather spectacular -- it just gave Bradley Manning its coveted human rights award, accepted in absentia by Daniel Ellsberg To my mind, that's even more prestigious than receiving the Nobel. Heck, just about anyone can win a Nobel!