The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question - Security Council, 9462nd meeting. [Length: 03:12:40] October 30, 2023[Note: Be sure to click on the language icon on the bottom right under the video to set your language. Nothing new was accomplished at this meeting to resolve the crisis except for several interesting statements, especially from Israel, Jordan and China, and some exchanges. Israel's was the most dramatic. Those of most interest to me are below:
@54:31-01:02:52 (9 minutes), the U.S. gives its usual statement
@01:39:47-01:53:15 (13 minutes). MUST MUST WATCH!! Russia gives an accurate statement of the Gaza situation and Israel's role in it and says to the president of the UNSC if he could ask the U.S. a question after which he says, "Can you explain why you oppose a ceasefire? Does this mean that the U.S.A. as a permanent member of the Security Council supports the doctrine of massive retaliation in Gaza? Where is your compassion for civilians that you so eloquently express at every Security Council meeting on Ukraine? And that's even though the lives of civilians in Ukraine are far from facing the same level of threat as the Palestinians in Gaza. Or is it that you only think about those who are in the European continent and that Palestinian lives don't stir any emotions in Washington? And I'd like to put the same question to the other Western delegations in the Council who shamefully abstained on all of our draft resolutions calling for a ceasefire."
@02:08:00-02:10:07 (2 minutes), the U.S. gives a further statement in response to Russia's statement and question
@02:10:23-02:11:07 (less than a minute), Russia gives a follow-up saying that the U.S. did not respond to his question. Then he asks a rhetorical question and says he doesn't expect an answer. "How many times during the present crisis has the United States initiated a meeting on the humanitarian situation in Gaza?" [The answer is zero.]
@02:11:24-02:35:02 (24 minutes) MUST WATCH!, State of Palestine gives another moving statement
@02:35:19-02:53:26 (17 minutes) MUST MUST MUST WATCH (IF YOU HAVE THE STOMACH FOR IT)!!! Israel, ugh, is now calling Hamas Nazis and Isis Hamas terrorists and Iran Nazis and at the end, he says, "From now on my team and me will wear yellow stars," pins one on himself (and you see his "team" members wearing them too), and says they will wear them until the UNSC "condemn[s] the atrocities of Hamas and demand the immediate release of our hostages."
@02:53:36-03:06:02 (12 minutes) MUST WATCH! Jordan came down very hard on Israel, saying Israel should be punished and closes by saying that he has "never heard of an occupying state claiming to be the victim, to play the victim as Israel is doing now."
@03:06:26-03:11:37 (5 minutes) MUST MUST MUST WATCH!!! China gives a further statement referring to the U.S. accusing China of vetoing the draft resolution put forward by the U.S. trying to make it look like China is at fault for the situation in Israel-Palestine when it is the U.S. that vetoed resolutions that got in the way of the UNSC's constructive work on the situation. He also admonished the U.S. for making the situation in Gaza more dangerous and being out of step with the international community.
@03:11:57-03:12:17 (20 seconds), the U.S. gives a further statement claiming to set the record straight on China's vote.
Breaking news and analysis on day 24 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast [Length: 2:12:21]
Co-Hosts: Ali Abunimah, Asa Winstanley, and Nora Barrows-Friedman, The Electronic Intifada
Guests: Huda Ammori (Palestine Action UK), John Elmer (TEI), Ahmed Alnaouq (Co-Founder of We Are Not Numbers, live from London), Tamara Nassar (TEI), October 30, 2023
[Note: MUST MUST WATCH!! Includes the new video of Israeli captives with English subtitles and footage of a Hamas militant, Abu Obaida, talking about a prisoner exchange of the Israeli hostages for all Palestinian prisoners held in Israel, all at once or in segments.]
"“Turn off the cameras so we can discuss this”
"“They asked me before the election if I’d honor [the Oslo accords]…I said I would, but … I’m going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the ’67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I’m concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue.”
"“Strike them (Palestinians) hard…they need to suffer… so painfully that the price they pay will be unbearable”
"“I know what America is…America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in their way.”"
X post by @roo7yn إيـمان | ﮼بكـــماء"This was planned before October 7.
"It is just a plot. The intention was planned beforehand"
[with the video made some time around July 15, 2010 embedded, posted October 28, 2023]
X post by Kim Iversen @KimIversenShow
October 29, 2023 [Note: See more posts on this by Kim Iversen on the thread.]
"Any thoughts?" [includes a 4-minute 20 second Tik Tok video made a "Veteran IDF Soldier" who says "Hamas attack was "An Inside Job!" October 29, 2023
Laith Marouf - Israel's Genocidal Campaign on Gaza & Palestine & the Regional & Global Implications [Length: 36:24]
Host: Activist News Network, October 30, 2023 [Note: MUST MUST WATCH!!]
the OCGFC and US isolation [Length: 12:43] Shahid Bolsen
October 29, 2023. [Note: MUST MUST WATCH!! OCGFC = Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital or The Empire of Capital. More on this from Bolsen here.]