Wednesday, March 05, 2025

And the genocide in Gaza continues...


And the genocide in Gaza continues...

      There is more than one way to commit genocide in Gaza, not only by just blowing people up with tanks and bombs.  There are other, more subtle ways as well -- and American neo-cons and Israeli Zionists have perfected them all, perfected their genocide techniques down to a science! 

       There are several good reasons why Zionists and neo-cons can't just continue bombing people in Gaza like they really wanna do.  First, there's the morality and ethics of indiscriminately slaughtering thousands of women and children.  Anyone with any kind of heart at all is now totally disgusted with Zionists and neo-cons (but world opinion doesn't actually seem to be a problem for them).  

      Second?  There's hardly anything left in Gaza to bomb! 

      Third, there's always that pesky ceasefire agreement.

      However, there are still lots of other ways to make sure that everyone in Gaza gets dead.

     For instance, Phase One of the current ceasefire calls for Gazans to be supplied with food, water, tents and mobile homes.  Bibi the Butcher, however, isn't allowing any of this stuff in.  People in Gaza are still freezing to death and starving to death.  "Too bad for them!"  And Palestinian men in Zionist concentration camps are being beaten and tortured to death as well.  "Arbeit macht frei!"  Sure, work may set them free -- but, according to Netanyahu, death will set them free faster.

     There is more than one way to commit genocide in Gaza.


The Tin Woodsman reminds us, "If I only had a heart."

What ever happened to Phase Two?  

The latest Electronic Intifada report on the Gaza [non]ceasefire:

"Does this look like a ceasefire to you?"  Data from MECA:  Since phase one of the ceasefire deal began in mid-January, Israel has:

      • Killed at least 118 people in Gaza, wounded about 800, while people continue to die from past injuries, disease, freezing, malnutrition, and thirst [because Zionists refuse to let food and supplies enter Gaza]. 
     • Kept out machinery and equipment needed for reconstruction, including for repairing Gaza’s water and sewage systems


     • Killed more than 70 people in the West Bank, including 13 children this year


      • Displaced more than 40,000 people and deployed tanks in the northern West Bank


     • Continued to occupy [and bomb] southern Lebanon


     • Imprisoned thousands of Palestinians—including children as young as 14—for things like Facebook posts or throwing stones, or no reason at all


     • Continued to torture prisoners with physical, psychological, and sexual violence

Katherine Austin Fitts:  War is merely an elaborate money-laundering scheme.  Plus now that the neo-cons and Zionists can't get their hands on Russia and the Middle East, then who can they loot instead?  America and Europe! 

Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

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